WG3 Sharing Knowledge

Objectives: PRT requires skill and careful planning; otherwise the risk of mistakes training the animal
is high. Sharing experience and knowledge improves training skills and can foster the development
of training protocols, which is an essential part preventing training mistakes. Our objective is to
provide an exchange platform, which allows for safe and detailed communication about issues
concerning the training of NHP and promotes the sharing of information and knowledge, such as
training protocols, as well as developing new training protocols. Within this WG the impact of the
Action’s measures on training success in the facilities will be described and discussed. If this results
in the publication of articles, they can contribute to the WG Providing (Scientific Evidence).
Tasks: Sharing of knowledge and experiences through exchange of training protocols. Development
of new protocols and discussion of their success. Evaluation of the Action’s measures
Milestones: Implementation of a platform for the exchange of training protocols and for regular
communication between members beyond the annual meetings
Deliverables: Annual WG Meetings; web meetings 1-2x/year; Workshop: NHP Training Protocols