Behavioural Management and Training of Laboratory non-human Primates and Large Laboratory Animals (PRIMTRAIN)

Positive Reinforcement Training (PRT) and Animal Behavioural Management (ABM) of non-human primates (NHP) and other large laboratory animals used in biomedical research reduce the stress level for the animals, promote more reliable results, facilitate the refinement of methods and procedures and lead to increased safety, both for animals and personnel. Furthermore, well trained animals, that are physically and psychologically healthy, are very much in demand and have a high market value. Laboratory animal training was introduced in Europe as best practice in the last two decades. However, animal facilities are poorly connected and despite Directive 2010/63/EC which boosted the education of laboratory animal staff, there is no systematic approach for animal trainers and ABM experts for NHP and other large laboratory animals. This deficit can now be closed through PRIMTRAIN, a network of animal care takers, animal trainers, ethologists, veterinarians, neuroscientists, and other biomedical researchers using NHP and large laboratory animals. Besides the recommendation of a minimum European standard for all primate laboratories with regard to animal training, new training protocols will be developed and existing training protocols will be exchanged. Moreover a catalogue of relevant literature will be compiled. The COST Action PRIMTRAIN will offer Workshops, Training Schools, and stipends (STSM) for staff working with NHP or other large laboratory animals. Especially early-stage researcher and staff from animal facilities in smaller COST countries will be encouraged to get involved. This will yield the largest network of animal trainers and ABM staff in Europe and in the world.